About Eyelid Surgery
When excess skin on the top or surrounding the eyes causes an obstructed visual field and an unflattering appearance, the ophthalmology team at Eye Health Vision Centers can help with blepharoplasty, more commonly called eyelid surgery. This procedure lifts and tightens the upper or lower eyelid to create a more awakened appearance and improved vision. Our team commonly performs this surgery for the treatment of eyelid conditions known as blepharochalasis and dermatochalasis, which can cause the skin around the eyelids to sag or bulge. Eyelid surgery is an excellent option for men and women who suffer from sagging, aging skin around their eyes, producing a more youthful appearance and better functionality. If you are interested in eyelid surgery, contact one of our facilities in Taunton, Fall River, Fairhaven, or Dartmouth, MA or Middletown, RI to schedule a consultation with a member of our team.
Blepharoplasty Reviews
Best Candidates
Eyelid surgery can be performed on men and women and may be recommended to patients whose excess skin folds around the upper eyelid or beneath the eye, causing an obstructed vision field and an aged overall look. The procedure can also address under-eye bags and functional issues that prevent patients from enjoying life to the fullest. To find out if you are indeed a candidate for eyelid surgery, schedule a consultation with a member of our team at one of our South Coast area facilities.
Procedure Technique
Eye Health Vision Centers performs all surgeries, including oculoplastic surgery like blepharoplasty, at our Dartmouth, MA facility or at the New Bedford Surgicenter. Depending on the nature of the eyelid surgery, some form of anesthesia will be administered before the procedure is initiated. This surgery may be done on the top eyelid by itself, on the bottom portion, or a blend of both treatments. For either surgery, the loose, bulging, folding skin will be gently removed with an incision made as discreetly as possible. The skin will be lifted for a smoother, more natural appearance. Patients will immediately notice an improved field of vision (if their vision was obstructed by loose skin).
Following your surgery, you will be sent home to rest and recover. Cold compresses can be used to treat discomfort and decrease swelling and bruising. Results from this type of surgery are long-lasting but not permanent as the natural aging process does not slow down after surgery. Before you leave our facility after surgery, a member of our team will schedule follow-up visits and give you detailed instructions about caring for your incisions. You should carefully follow instructions to avoid infection and expedite healing. You should also be sure to maintain any follow-up appointments so that your healing can be monitored by a professional.
Schedule Today
If you are one of the many individuals who is suffering from impaired vision that is caused by drooping and protruding eyelid skin, then you may be an ideal candidate for blepharoplasty at Eye Health Vision Centers. Contact our helpful support staff at one of our greater South Coast-area facilities to schedule a consultation and learn more about your treatment options.