About Eyelid Conditions
Our talented ophthalmologists at Eye Health Vision Centers are dedicated to protecting your eyes inside and out and are equipped to identify and remove lumps and bumps on your eyelids using minor surgical techniques. Typically, lesions around the eyes are harmless and noncancerous but may obstruct your line of sight or become uncomfortable. Our team is experienced in treating eyelid bumps and lumps with skilled hands to help you receive relief quickly. If you have a lump, bump, or lesion on or around your eyelids, we invite you to contact one of our greater South Coast-area facilities to schedule a consultation and examination by a member of our team. The staffs at each of our locations in Taunton, Fall River, Fairhaven, and Dartmouth, MA and Middletown, RI are highly skilled medical professionals who can set your mind at ease about the lump, bump, or lesion on your eyelid.
Common Eyelid Conditions
While we are experienced in the treatment of many eyelid conditions, the lesions we most commonly see are:
Chalazion – a slowly developing lump that is caused by the blockage and swelling of an oil gland on the eyelid. Over time, the lesion may grow to the size of a pea. While it is not a painful or infected lesion, it may cause a lack of self-confidence or irritation when blinking.
Styes – small red, swollen lesions that form along the eyelid close to the lashes and sometimes inside or under the eyelid. While they are typically not serious, they can be uncomfortable and irritating.
Eyelid Conditions Reviews
Best Candidates
Ideal candidates for the removal of an eyelid lesion are those whose vision is obstructed due to a lump or bump near their eye. We may also recommend treatment if you have an aesthetic concern about the condition. We are committed to protecting your vision and overall health. Therefore, if we believe that removal or treatment is not necessary, we will not perform a surgical removal. During your consultation, we will discuss your medical history, the type of eyelid condition you have, and assess the location, thickness, and condition of the lesion. We will then create a customized treatment plan that lines out how best to treat your condition.
Treatment Options
A stye or chalazion may heal on their own with the help of hot compresses and medications. However, sometimes they become a painful nuisance that weighs down the eyelid and affects your vision. When this is the case, Eye Health Vision Centers may recommend a simple, minimally invasive removal surgery. Performed by an ophthalmologist, the treatment could involve drainage or an excision, depending on your symptoms. If you have an abscess, the surgeon may use a sterile needle to drain the area. For a persistent chalazion, your surgeon will numb the eyelid before creating a small surgical incision beneath the eyelid. Next, the fluid will be drained from the lesion. Stitches are not typically necessary and scarring is not typically a problem when the incision is made beneath the lid.
What to Expect
Following the procedure, your surgeon may place a patch on the treated eye and prescribe an antibiotic ointment or eye drop to prevent infection. You will be able to return to your normal activities immediately afterward, assuming you feel up to it. Patients should closely follow any instructions given by our team during the procedure, including how best to care for the skin following the surgery. Healing should be complete within two weeks.
Comprehensive Eye Care
Most of us will experience at least one stye in our lifetime, many of us without any complication or need for medical treatment. However, when a lesion around the eye prevents you from seeing to the best of your ability, you may need to schedule a consultation at Eye Health Vision Centers. We can help you get the treatment you need to return to your daily activities with clarity and confidence. Contact one of our greater South Coast-area facilities today to learn more.